• Language English
  • সূর্যোদয় : ভোর 6:20 মিনিট
  • সূর্যাস্ত : সন্ধ্যা 5:52 মিনিট
info@attaqwamasjidsylhet.com +৮৮০ ১৮৯৪৯৪ ৬৩৬৩

Donation Refund Policy

We are grateful for your donation and support of At-Taqwa Masjid & Islamic Center. Donations are normally non-refundable but if you have made an error in making your donation or suspect fraud, please contact us at info@attaqwamasjidsylhet.com. The refund will be provided using the same payment channel/method using which the customer has paid.

Automated Recurring Donation Cancellation

Ongoing support is important for our projects, so we encourage donors to continue to contribute to projects over time. But if you would like to cancel your recurring donation, please notify us immediately.

All refund requests must be made within 30 days of donation and must be made in writing to our Support Team. It will take approximately 7-10 working days to process your refund request.